Give a little time... make a big impact
Our Spring Meeting is on April 22nd at Cult Classic at 5 PM- Follow us on Facebook here!
Inspired by 100 Women Who Care Annapolis and other "100" chapters around the country, we established our own “Power of 100 ” in November 2018.
Our mission is simple. We've set out to bring together a group of like-minded women from Queen Anne's County who care about local causes, and who are committed to making an impact in our communities. We gather twice a year. At each event, our members donate $100 each to a local charity/group/family that the group collectively selects. This combined donation has proven to make a measurable impact on those who have been fortunate enough to have been selected by other "100" chapters. Members are not required to attend events.
Join our QAC chapter today and be a part of a growing community of women who have committed to making a difference in the lives and well being of others.

There are currently over 650 - 100 Who Care Alliance Chapters across the United States and a dozen chapters scattered in other countries. Each chapter is volunteer driven and built on the same foundation of impacting their communities for good. Collectively, we are changing communities and lives around the world. Join us in making a difference.